Prioritize Your
Financial Wellness
Financial wellbeing is achieved once individuals are motivated by financial freedom and have the courage and knowledge to take action.
Brooke has spoken in front of over 50 organizations to help individuals gain financial confidence to spark their own wellness journey. Share the gift of financial wellness with women or girls by hosting an in-person or virtual workshop.

Workshops Catalog
Be Financially Well
for Women
Audience: Women of all ages
Course Length: 3 hours (or 1 hour condensed)
Together, women will explore the five elements of financial health – Beliefs, Behaviors, Worth, Wealth, Purpose in this interactive workshop. Women will evaluate how their money mindset and financial behaviors are helping and/or harming their financial wellness. We will share actionable strategies to build your financial net worth and your self-worth with financial empowerment exercises and wealth-building ideas. Finally, we will discover how money can buy happiness by aligning your resources with your purpose.
New Grad Personal Finance
101 Course
Audience: Women ages 20-25
Course Length: 1 hour
For the Recent college grads, we will first share an overview of the five elements of financial health – Beliefs, Behaviors, Worth, Wealth, Purpose in this interactive workshop. We will then jump into financial literacy topics applicable for young adults including negotiating a job offer, employer benefits, overcoming debt, and building a solid financial foundation with values-based cashflow planning. Additionally, we will discuss opportunities like investing, charitable giving, and entrepreneurship.
Be Financially Well
for Pre-Teen & Early Teen Girls
Audience: Girls ages 11-15
Course Length: 3 hours (or 1 hour condensed)
Girls and their mother/guardian will explore the five elements of financial health – Beliefs, Behaviors, Worth, Wealth, Purpose in this interactive workshop. Financial literacy topics will be covered and practiced with actionable ideas to prepare your daughter to be money smart as she approaches decisions like college, banking, budgeting, and debt. Additionally, we will discuss opportunities like investing, earning money, and entrepreneurship.
Money Circle
(hosted private party)
Typically 1-1.5 hours
Women are frequently invited to shopping parties – clothing, cookware, essential oils, and unmentionables! What if women threw a totally different kind of party? A party that will focus on improving financial wellness for women, building financial female empowerment, and advancing important social causes for women and girls. Sign me up!
Hosts provide the location, invite guests, and provide party refreshments. Half of the party profits will be directed by the host to a non-profit supporting women and girls.
Be Financially Well for
Young Professional Women
Audience: Women ages 25-40
Course Length: 1 hour
The secret of financial success is often starting healthy financial behaviors early and then continuing them often! This workshop will share an overview of the five elements of financial health – Beliefs, Behaviors, Worth, Wealth, Purpose. We will focus on believing in your self-worth and growing your net worth. The session will end with our favorite cash flow exercise, aligning your hard-earned resources with your purpose.
Be Financially Well
for Mid to Late Teen Girls
Audience: Girls ages 15-18
Course Length: 3 hours (or 1 hour condensed)
Girls and their mother/guardian will explore the five elements of financial health – Beliefs, Behaviors, Worth, Wealth, Purpose in this interactive workshop. Financial literacy topics will be covered and practiced with actionable ideas to prepare your daughter to be money smart as she approaches decisions like college, banking, budgeting, and debt. Additionally, we will discuss opportunities like investing, earning money, and entrepreneurship. This session will also focus on setting expectations with your daughter on their required financial contributions for big and small expenses as they enter young adulthood. We will discuss financial responsibility, social spending pressure and financial stress.
Save, Spend, Give
& Financial Choices
Audience: Girls ages 4-10
Course Length: 1 hour
The goal of this workshop is to develop healthy financial behaviors early and to emphasize the power of making money-smart decisions. This workshop is designed for girls and a parent/guardian to attend.
BFW Workshops
Workshops are typically hosted by a company, association, educational or non-profit organization, or women’s group/retreat.
If you would like Brooke to speak at your next gathering, please complete the Workshop Request Form:
Previous Speaking Engagements

Milwaukee Bar Association
Momentum Milwaukee
Godfrey & Kahn
Chicago Booth Women's Network
Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren Women's Forum
Women Leaders in Corporate Law - PS Companies
Grafton Chamber of Commerce
Association of Women Lawyers Milwaukee
Michael Best
Mandel Group
Cedarburg Junior Women's Club
Please contact Brooke at if your retreat, organization, or association has an interest in sharing the gift of financial wellness through an interactive speaking engagement for women and/or girls.